
SHIT, a shitty piece about shit, 2024

Slavoj Žižek, wearing a fluorescent jacket at a recycling centre, states that our societies’ issue with ecology is that we don’t see where our shit goes. We know that it gets flushed through the toilet and gets tunnelled away – but we don’t want to see it. Standing in front of a mountain of plastic, he points and says "Real ecologists should love this" 

CONCEPT & PERFORMANCE Lennert De Vroey, Runa Robbroeckx, Egon Schoelynck

There's also this shitty website concerning this shitty performance.

Door to Door, 2020-2022

Door to Door started in the summer of 2020 as an (artistic) research project initiated by a group of 12 artists and other citizens worried about the polarisation of Flanders. For two years we have developed artistic tools and conversation strategies, by practising them in different contexts and with various partners. 

We travelled through Flanders and held conversation weekends in 10 Flemish villages and cities, talking with people in the public space and at their doorstep. Every time we teamed up with different local organisations, cultural institutions and volunteers. 

In 2022, we ended our research by sharing our experiences on a subjective map of Flanders: one side is a record of the conversations we had, the other side is a flowchart with tips & tricks. You can read more about the project and download the pdf of the map here.                

PROJECT BY PLATFORM State of the Arts and Hart boven Hard

Roma Non Esiste, 2019-2022

Roma Non Esiste (‘Rome doesn’t exist’) is a nomadic camp that lands in different outskirts of the city of Rome. For two weeks, a group of 20+ architects, performers, anthropologists and children occupy public space with their tents. We engage with the social and historical context of the location, organize walks and full-moon parties. 

RNE is not a finished product, but an inquiry. Every camp is another trial and there have been errors. We keep looking for collectivity, horizontality and Arendt-like ‘space of appearance’.

2019 – Corviale, Serpentara, Tor Bella Monaca
2020, 2021, 2022 – Diamante Rebibbia

RNE ARE Natalia Agati, Francesco D’Aliesio, Leonardo Delogu, Selene Larena Naglieri, Matteo Locci, Arianna Lodeserto, Francesco Loparco, Chiara Luchetti, Giulia Manili, Anna Marocco, Sara Monaco, Sofia Naglieri, Costanza Nani, Marta Olivieri, Alessandro Rilletti, Maria Rocco, Michela Rosa, Egon Schoelynck, Ozge Sahin, Valerio Sirna, Futura Tittaferrante, Basak Tuna, Candida Ventura     

Montignards #5, 2021

A residency of eight months at Monty, Antwerp. The eight of us decided to spend the residency as a collective and to take roles in directing, writing, acting, dramaturgy and scenography. Every few weeks, we shared a draft of a new project.

The Theatre Shop. Due to shops being open during covid and theatres being closed, we set up a shop. You could buy goods and experiences. One of the experiences was a guided tour where we would call you and give you live instructions on how to walk and behave.  

The Greenhouse. A performance about a hole in the ground and a greenhouse, spitting out different entities, people and an old TV showing a weather report of the stage.

White. An introspective video and theatre hybrid about memories and silence.

Retour. A site specific performance about a family who happen to have car trouble every year at the same spot. In a former version of this performance, only certain spots were amplified. Only conversations in the car, in a phone booth or next to the coolbox could be heard by the audience. Aside from that, conversations were unintelligible.

So You Think You Can. A performance about 13 year old girls in a dancing school who slowly start denouncing their authoritarian teacher.

MONTIGNARDS#5 Mira Bryssinck, Lennert De Vroey, Khalid Koujili El Yakoubi, Mona Mina Leon, Runa Robbroeckx, Egon Schoelynck, Hanne Timmermans, Alican Ünal

Nok Onderzkt Kollektief, 2021

As our collective NOK struggled to stay together during the lockdown, we asked ourselves: Why is it so hard to work as a collective? But why do we want to keep fighting for it? Three Sundays in Mechelen, we invited other collectives to dive into the research together. Not to find a final solution, but as a practice: getting together, sharing experiences, moving fluidly like collectives do.

2020: ARSENAAL/LAZARUS during En Avant
2022: RADAR
2022: De Maan

COLLECTIEF NOK Ellis Meeusen, Anaïs Jansen, Kyra Verreydt, Tom Voet, Runa Robbroeckx, Anke Somers, Egon Schoelynck


WHAT I KNOW (a reflection on future perspectives) is a text I wrote for an open call I didn't win. It's an answer to the question: What did you learn about love?

I performed the text during the covid livestream of Onder Stroom.

Here's the text in Dutch.

Men Explain Things to You, 2019

On a Tuesday morning Léo and his neighbour are standing in the elevator. Between the second and the third floor, the elevator says TONK. It's getting hot. A forest of love takes root between Léo, his elevator woman and the mirror.

Men Explain Things to You is an unfair conversation between men in the prime of their lives. An awkward version of your average misogynist stand-up comedy show. The male gaze explained by males, or well, by one male: Léo says three words.

PERFORMANCE Léopold Terlinden, Egon Schoelynck
TEXT Egon Schoelynck
COACHING Laura Vroom
DRAMATURGY Peter Anthonissen
FEEDBACK Carl Von Winckelmann, Noa Pylyser, Runa Robbroeckx